We also give instructions to the hearing impaired as well as persons with speech disabilities and impediments. We also have cars equipped for special needs for persons with prothesis limbs.
Your one stop driving shop
We give one on one service with each student. Our goal is to make sure We train confident and safe drivers.
Our teaching and methodology are rooted to driving standards that goes back to the fundamentals of driving.
We are qualified to prepare our clients for the Mv-278 certification certificate – 5 hour class. Additionally we provide instruction for the 6 hour safety course for points and insurance reduction.
Concerns & Needs
We meet your needs for your driving freedom! Automatic and stick-shift cars are available as well as Motorcycle and scooters. Our range of driving services, go beyond knowing how to drive; we can also teach basic car mechanics should you get into unforeseen circumstances. We at (PPDS) would like our clients to know more than how to drive safely. We also give simulation situations that will be helpful to you through out your driving years. If you have any Questions related to obtaining your license, Ask